Asamblea General de las Family Farm Schools de Filipinas/General Assembly of the Family Farm Schools of the Philippines

Se pone en marcha la alianza de Caritas con PARFED y el Instituto CRIIA

PARFED (Pilipinas Association of Rural Families for Education and Development) es la organización que agrupa las Family Farm Schools (FFS) de Filipinas. En los primeros días de junio de 2024, ha celebrado su Asamblea General en el Caritas’ Training Center de Tagaytay, Cavite. Además de la renovación de cargos en la Junta Directiva (que reeligió como Presidenta a Mina Ballesteros), la Asamblea -con una intervención virtual del Instituto CRIIA- sirvió para fortalecer los lazos entre las diversas asociaciones de las escuelas y para construir estrategias de desarrollo local y de una educación más pertinente todos juntos (algunas escuelas como Dagatan y Balete FFS están inmersas en un proceso de evolución curricular y de oferta formativa más técnica bajo la supervisión de TESDA, The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority).

La celebración de la Asamblea contó con el apoyo de Caritas Filipinas en virtud del acuerdo de colaboración que mantiene con PARFED y el Instituto CRIIA, y continuará las próximas semanas con encuentros virtuales donde cada asociación compartirá con el resto el plan de acción sobre su territorio.

General Assembly of the Family Farm Schools of the Philippines

Caritas partnership with PARFED and CRIIA Institute gets underway

PARFED (Pilipinas Association of Rural Families for Education and Development) is the umbrella organization of Family Farm Schools (FFS) in the Philippines. In early June 2024, it held its General Assembly at the Caritas’ Training Center in Tagaytay, Cavite. In addition to the renewal of positions in the Board (which re-elected Mina Ballesteros as President), the Assembly – with a virtual intervention of the CRIIA Institute – served to strengthen the ties between the associations of the schools and to build strategies for community development and a more relevant education all together (some schools such as Dagatan and Balete FFS are immersed in a process of curricular evolution and more technical training offerings under the supervision of TESDA, The Technical Education and Skills Development Authority).

The Assembly was supported by Caritas Philippines under its MoA with PARFED and the CRIIA Institute, and will continue in the coming weeks with virtual meetings where each association will share with the rest the action plan for its territory.

Algunos participantes en la Asamblea General de PARFED. Foto PARFED
Some participants in the PARFED General Assembly. Photo PARFED

Misión del Instituto CRIIA a Guatemala

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